Save This World Version

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  1. Save the World's massive library of existing Heroes, Schematics, and Questlines will rotate in throughout each season, with a handful of new quests and Heroes coming in at a slower pace. This will happen by way of quest rewards, Event Llamas, or within the Event Store.
  2. The most basic version of the dilemma, known as 'Bystander at the Switch' or 'Switch', goes thus: There is a runaway trolley barrelling down the railway tracks. Ahead, on the tracks, there are five people tied up and unable to move. The trolley is headed straight for them. You are standing some distance off in the train yard, next to a lever.
  3. The trolley problem is a series of thought experiments in ethics and psychology, involving stylized ethical dilemmas of whether to sacrifice one person to save a larger number. Opinions on the ethics of each scenario turn out to be sensitive to details of the story that.
This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

In Word for Windows, to save a file in an older Word format:

For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. 1 Timothy 1:15 This is a trustworthy saying, worthy of full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst. John 12:27 Context. 24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. 25 He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. 26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve.

  1. Open the file in Word.
  2. In Word 2010, from the File menu, select SaveAs..

    In Word 2007, from the Office Button menu, selectSave As..

  3. Select Word 97-2003 Document for older versions of Word.

In Word for Mac OS X, to save a file in an older Word format:

  1. Open the file in Word, and from the File menu, selectSave As..
  2. In the 'Format:' field, choose the older format you want to use(e.g., Word 97-2004 Document (.doc)).
  3. Click Save.

Helping people with computers. one answer at a time.

by Leo A. Notenboom, © 2005

When I send out a Word document to others in my organization, they can see all the changes I've made. Everything I've deleted is struck out, but still readable. They complain that it makes the document really hard to read, and I'm concerned that they're seeing possibly sensitive information. How to I stop it from happening?

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I get this all the time from one of my clients. It's easy to turn off whenyou read the document, but the fact is all your changes - the text youdeleted, perhaps over several iterations - could all still be in the documentavailable for anyone to read.

Even if people know how to turn it off when reading (tough many don't), I'llassume you really don't want to share your dirty laundry like that.

Let's turn it off.

Old, supposedly deleted, data can remain in Microsoft Word documents for tworeasons: revision tracking, and allowing fast saves.

Revision tracking is a handy feature that allows you to seewhat changes were made to a document over time. It's very valuable as thedocument is being revised, and the types of changes are shared among a smallnumber of participants. When you're done with your revisions, though, you want to publish your finalversion, without all the changes being included.

Revision tracking, or 'Track Changes' as it's called in recent versions ofWord, is controlled by the Reviewing toolbar:

This may also appear as a toolbar near the top of your Microsoft Wordwindow. Since you're having this problem, you probably have TrackChanges turned on, as indicated by the button that's depressed on that toolbar.You probably also have the display setting on this toolbar set toFinal, as it is in the image above, since that doesn't showyou the changes even though it continues to track them.

When reading a document with revisions, make sure that the display settingon the reviewing toolbar is set to Final to simply read thefinal document, or Final with Revisions, to see the documentand all its changes. 'Final with Revisions' happens to be the default, sothat's what your readers are probably seeing.

To remove the change history from your document, press the drop-down arrownext to the Accept Change button on the reviewing toolbar:

And then click on Accept All Changes In Document. Now saveyour document, and the history of changes will no longer be part of thedocument, and you can safely share it with others.

Fast Save Capturegrid. is a feature that was intended to make savinglarge documents faster. The technique simply writes the changes to the endof the '.doc' file, without taking the time to write out a completely new copy.Within Word, you'd never see the difference, and wouldn't know that this istaking place.

There are two problems: the document's '.doc' file on disk only gets largeras more and more changes are made, and deleted text may still appear withinthat file.

That later item has caused great embarrassment for some, since it's possibleto see that text you thought was deleted, using tools other than Worditself.

My advice - turn off fast save. In Tools,Options, click on the Save tab:

Uncheck the Allow fast saves, if it ischecked. Now, when Word saves your document, it will write a fresh copy of theentire document to disk, without any hidden surprises like text you thought youdeleted.

Article C2413 - August 29, 2005 «»

You may also be interested in:

  • How do I turn off automatic formatting in Microsoft Word? Microsoft Word tries to be helpful and format items based on what it thinks you're doing. That's handy, if it's what you want. If not, it's annoying.

  • Where does Microsoft Word keep AutoText entries? Microsoft Word keeps AutoText entries in a fairly easy to find template.

Save This World Version
September 14, 2005 10:30 AM

I am reformatting a document that was sent to me by someone who had been using track changes. I told her to accept all changes and make sure she turned off the track changes feature before she saved the document. Autotune voice filter. She assured me that she did that.

When I opened the document the tracked changes were turned off. I also removed the option under Tools and Options -- Editing tab 'Keep track of formatting,' yet it is still tracking some of the changes. It is mainly tracking formatting each time I use the Draw Table feature to split cells in a table.

What is wrong? Please help.

September 28, 2005 8:25 AM

The article is very useful but on one of my documents I do not have the option to accept all changes this function is greyed out.

Version This Pc

Barbara Peters
December 8, 2005 12:04 PM

I also do not have the option to accept changes as the function is greyed out. Any help with this would be appreciated. Thanks

Valerie Champagne
May 20, 2007 3:12 PM

THANKS that is exactly what I needed to know.
I hate that revision thing. JUst want it to go away forever.

March 20, 2008 12:55 PM

Regarding the question from several commentors about why the 'accept changes' function is greyed out, the document may be protected. Go to Tools, Options and the Security tab to see if there is an option to 'unprotect' the document. Click on it. If a password box pops up, the author has sent you a 'protected' document. Changes you make in a 'protected' document most likely will be revealed to the author when you return it to him/her, including the date and time you made each change. If you are concerned about protecting this sensitive information in your revised document, copy and paste the entire document sent to you into a new document. Be sure that tracked changes is turned off in the new document before pasting what you copied into it. If you then want to turn on track changes in your new document, you can turn it on and the functions that were greyed out in the original document should now be available. If you do turn tracked changes on in your new document, consider whether you want the person to whom you are sending the revised document to see the date and time of your changes. If not, go to Tools, Options and the View tab and be sure that 'Screen Tips' is unchecked so that the date and time information bubbles are not automatically displayed as your mouse rolls over changed text. (This still may not protect all sensitive information.) Heed Leo's caution about turning off the auto fast save option in the Tools-Options-Save tab. Before you send the document back, consider whether you want to protect it, or scrub it depending on whether you have a scrubber tool and the scrubber's options and capabilities.

January 27, 2011 1:41 PM

Excellent thank you, took you 2 minutes in your explanation to help something I've struggled with for months

May 23, 2012 8:18 AM

Leo directed me here after I asked a very similar question, and I found his description very useful :)
I'd managed to accidentally turn on the tracker, not noticed, and was then stuck with the red 'modifications' every time I opened the document.
I just needed to accept all the changes, and everything went back to normal again. As a bonus, it halved the size of what was a considerably large document to begin with.

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